
Generate more cash!

Trade receivables are worth their weight in gold. Using them to finance your cash requirements within the framework of a factoring policy will support the recovery of your business.

Factoring, an ideal solution in the rebound phase

  • Factoring allows you to diversify and secure your short term financing and thus compensate for any reduction in your bankers’ facilities.
  • The factor’s risk assessment is not limited to a strict analysis of your balance sheet and its financing will not be impacted by any financial deterioration due to the current crisis.
  • The factor’s financing capacity follows the evolution of your business: the quicker the recovery, the faster the factor can finance your invoices.
  • Finally, access to financing for investments proved more complicated at the end of most previous economic crises and your bankers might be more willing to support you in the medium/long term if they are less committed in the short term.

Review your financing strategy without delay!

AU Group is here to help you fully understand the range of options that might be available and identify the best solution for your business.

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