Blog - AU Group
The latest issue of the G-Grade Q3 2024 is published : find out the new trends of country risks
Credit Insurance Market
Survey 2024
Credit Insurance Market Survey 2023

New trends in country risks: AU G-Grade Q3 2024

22 July 2024/by Alex Diaz

Optimize your cash flow with the factoring in Swiss

4 July 2024/by Alex Diaz

Credit Insurance Market Survey 2024

3 July 2024/by Alex Diaz

People, expertise and innovation at the heart of AU Group

30 May 2024/by Alex Diaz

Navigating Insolvencies in 2024

26 April 2024/by Alex Diaz

Economic outlook, what changes in 2024 could affect your business ?

27 March 2024/by Alex Diaz

Improve your financial performance, save management time!

13 March 2024/by Alex Diaz

“El servicio excelente a los clientes es la base de nuestra existencia”

1 March 2024/by Alex Diaz

New trends in country risks: AU G-Grade Q1 2024

26 February 2024/by Alex Diaz

New trends in country risks: AU G-Grade Q4 2023

21 November 2023/by Alex Diaz

Aluminium: Navigating Sustainability and Market Dynamics

26 October 2023/by Alex Diaz

Sanctions and restrictions generated by the war in Ukraine create new bonding needs

2 October 2023/by AU Group

Nationalisation in Russia: a new problem for companies

2 October 2023/by AU Group

New trends in country risks: AU G-Grade Q3 2023

1 September 2023/by AU Group

Americanas: Bankruptcy causes seismic shock in Brazil

28 July 2023/by Alex Diaz

Europe’s response to the accelerating tensions between China and the US

24 May 2023/by Alex Diaz

Christophe Hardt – Managing Director- presents AU Group Benelux

16 May 2023/by Alex Diaz

New trends in country risks: AU G-Grade Q2 2023

9 May 2023/by Alex Diaz

Secure your cash with Credit Insurance

17 April 2023/by Alex Diaz


19 March 2023/by Alex Diaz

New trends in country risks: AU G-Grade Q1 2023

28 February 2023/by Alex Diaz

Credit Insurance in emerging markets

12 February 2023/by Alex Diaz

What ChatGPT thinks about the future of BNPL B2B?

8 February 2023/by Alex Diaz

Final chapter: Once upon a time Trade Credit Insurance in Dubai

21 October 2022/by Alex Diaz

New trends in country risks: AU G-Grade Q3 2022

27 September 2022/by Alex Diaz

New trends in country risks: AU G-Grade Q1 2022

On our last quarter’s G-Grade release , we said that 18 months…
3 February 2022/by Alex Diaz

New trends in country risks: AU G-Grade Q4 2021

Hope has returned, at last!!! Almost a year and a half after…
21 October 2021/by Alex Diaz

New trends in country risks: AU G-Grade Q2 2021

Whilst for some countries (China, United States, UAE, United…
6 May 2021/by AU Group

New trends in country risks: AU G-Grade Q1 2021

The economists' forecasts are gradually becoming clearer and,…
2 March 2021/by AU Group
G-Grade-Q4-2020-Cover EN

New trends in country risks: AU G-Grade Q4 2020

We are pleased to publish this last G-Grade of the year. 2020…
22 October 2020/by AU Group
Textile industry

Leveraging Credit Insurance for the textile industry

The apparel sector has been heavily impacted by the Covid-19…
23 September 2020/by AU Group

Generate more cash!

Trade receivables are worth their weight in gold. Using them…
29 June 2020/by AU Group
G-Grade Q2 2020 Article EN

New trends in country risks: AU G-Grade Q2 2020

Since AU Group created the G-Grade (Country Risk Measurement…
18 June 2020/by AU Group

Are you ready to deal with your credit insurance claims?

Two thousand twenty will not only be the year of the Rat according…
27 April 2020/by AU Group
Tool kit for credit insured businesses

Tool kit for credit insured businesses

During these challenging times when overdues and claims are on…
7 April 2020/by AU Group

New trends in country risks: AU G-Grade Q1 2020

As we enter a new decade, let’s look back on the last quarter…
25 March 2020/by AU Group

And the Coronavirus stopped the world…

The Coronavirus should be under control hopefully in a couple…
24 March 2020/by AU Group

A disease called Debt

During the last few months, the Spanish economy has been showing…
14 January 2020/by AU Group
capital relief

Capital Relief through Credit Insurance

Almost 80 years ago in 1930, the bank for international settlements…
6 January 2020/by AU Group
G-Grade Q4 2019

New trends in country risks: AU G-Grade Q4 2019

The G-Grade’s purpose is to review changes in country risk…
3 December 2019/by AU Group

Switzerland: state of the credit insurance market

Switzerland is a good example of a country with an innovative…
26 November 2019/by AU Group
New trends in country risks: AU G-Grade Q3 2019

New trends in country risks: AU G-Grade Q3 2019

7 countries have seen their risk level varying in Q2, leading…
17 September 2019/by AU Group
G-Grade Q2 2019

New trends in country risks: AU G-Grade Q2 2019

For this second quarter of 2019, AU Group’s country risk measurement…
14 May 2019/by AU Group
G-Grade Q1 Country Analysis

New trends in country risks: AU G-Grade Q1 2019

Christine Lagarde warned recently of a possible global economic…
19 February 2019/by AU Group
credit insurance

The ‘3S’ credit insurance concept

Insurance companies always try to make it simple for customers…
14 February 2019/by AU Group
country risk

Decoding country risk

Credit insurers continuously adjust their country risk exposure…
20 December 2018/by AU Group
G-Grade Q4 2018

New trends in country risks: AU G-Grade Q4 2018

Who did not notice that the main worldwide stock exchanges have…
8 November 2018/by AU Group
G-Grade Q3 2018

New trends in country risks: AU G-Grade Q3 2018

Are you back from your summer break and want to catch up on country…
4 September 2018/by AU Group
Credit Insurance in Dubai

Shopping for Credit Insurance in Dubai

Let’s try to put ourselves in the shoes of a CFO who is looking…
13 July 2018/by AU Group
Credit Insurance Market 2018

The Credit Insurance Market in 2018

As the Global economic indicators remain strong, the level of…
28 June 2018/by AU Group
G-Grade Q2 2018

New trends in country risks: AU G-Grade Q2 2018

The G-Grade (Grade of the Grade) measures the country risk across…
15 May 2018/by AU Group

Dubai: back in business

The economic conditions in Dubai and in the region were challenging…
24 April 2018/by AU Group
breach of contract

Beware of breach of contract

Breach of contract, known under a variety of terms (stop deliveries,…
17 April 2018/by AU Group
South Africa

Economic Overview of South Africa

For many entities in South Africa, 2017 was a difficult year,…
3 April 2018/by AU Group

Swiss Economic Situation

The Swiss economy (country rating AA1) is one of the most stable…
20 March 2018/by AU Group

Voidable Preferences and Insolvency – The Hidden Risk

Insolvency – growing risk despite falling numbers 21,879 firms…
6 March 2018/by AU Group
Czech Republic

Czech Republic – a quick overview

The Czech Republic (CR)  has reported economic growth last year…
27 February 2018/by AU Group

UK: An overview of the economic position

Following a shock decision to leave the European Union on 23rd…
20 February 2018/by AU Group
G-Grade Q1 2018

New trends in country risks: AU G-Grade Q1 2018

Over the past 6 months, the improvement in the global economy…
13 February 2018/by AU Group
End of the recession

End of the recession but an uncertain future

2017 marks the end of a strong three-year recessionary cycle,…
6 February 2018/by AU Group
business crime

Business Crime and Cyber Risks

According to the FBI director says, there are two kinds of companies:…
5 January 2018/by AU Group

Key conditions to your EDC policy

Your buyer is more than 60 days in default. What should you do?…
21 November 2017/by AU Group
G-Grade Q4 2017

New trends in country risks: AU G-GRADE Q4 2017

The global economic situation is improving…all the economic…
7 November 2017/by AU Group

Austria: back on a strong growth path

According to the Austrian Institute of Economic Research, the…
31 October 2017/by AU Group

Leveraging Trade Credit Insurance for the banking industry

Since the development of trade credit insurance in Dubai, the…
26 October 2017/by AU Group
trade credit insurance

Once upon a time: Trade Credit Insurance in Dubai – Episode 6: Normalisation

After the education period, we will reach the normalisation phase,…
19 September 2017/by AU Group
trade credit insurance

Once upon a time: Trade Credit Insurance in Dubai – Episode 5: Education

After a period of exuberance, it is always a challenging time…
12 September 2017/by AU Group
trade credit insurance

Once upon a time: Trade Credit Insurance in Dubai – Episode 4: Exuberance

After a period of significant growth in a non-mature market,…
5 September 2017/by AU Group
trade credit insurance

Once upon a time: Trade Credit Insurance in Dubai – Episode 3: Growth

As explained in the previous article, the trade credit insurance…
29 August 2017/by AU Group
G-Grade Q3 2017

New trends in country risks: AU G-GRADE Q3 2017

Since inception of the GGrade (2 years ago), we have rarely seen…
25 July 2017/by AU Group

The loonie: flying North

The Canadian one-dollar coin is commonly called the loonie as…
24 July 2017/by AU Group
trade credit insurance

Once upon a time: Trade Credit Insurance in Dubai – Episode 2: Awareness

As explained in the previous article, the launch of trade credit…
18 July 2017/by AU Group

CETA: O Canada, Land of export

The United States cancelled the Reciprocity treaty that had allowed…
11 July 2017/by AU Group

TCI: not for me?

Well - because the digital revolution unfolds rapidly, you might…
4 July 2017/by AU Group
Credit Insurance Market 2017

Credit Insurance Market 2017

AU Group is publishing its new Credit Insurance Market 2017.…
27 June 2017/by AU Group
Once upon a time - Trade Credit Insurance in Dubai

Once upon a time: Trade Credit Insurance in Dubai – Episode 1

Trade credit insurance has been widely used in Europe for quite…
20 June 2017/by AU Group
New trends in country risks: AU G-GRADE Q2 2017

New trends in country risks: AU G-GRADE Q2 2017

Our “country risk” measurement tool, the AU G-Grade, has…
9 May 2017/by AU Group
digitalisation of invoices

Digitalisation of invoices, an opportunity to be mastered

Before 2013, legislation only allows two ways for the digitalisation…
4 April 2017/by AU Group
cyber security

Cyber security still too weak in France

Cybercrime has become the second most common type of fraud and…
28 March 2017/by AU Group
Trade Credit Insurance

Trade Credit Insurance, the backbone of emerging markets

Unlike other lines of general insurance, Trade Credit Insurance…
14 March 2017/by AU Group
G-Grade Q1 2017

New trends in country risks: AU G-GRADE Q1 2017

In the first quarter of 2017, credit insurers have reassessed…
7 March 2017/by AU Group

A better understanding of how bonds can protect your company

Being able to provide a bond will give confidence to many suppliers…
14 February 2017/by AU Group

The Fintechs: towards a revolution of finance?

Finance and Technology are the two pillars upon which these new…
24 January 2017/by AU Group

Uncertainty and debt

Mixing uncertainty with debt. Rarely a healthy recipe. The festive…
10 January 2017/by AU Group
Multi-Reverse Factoring

The rise of Multi-Reverse Factoring

"Multi-Reverse Factoring" is an alternative to conventional financing…
13 December 2016/by AU Group
One credit insurer

What if the answer does not lie with just one credit insurer!

Simplicity, economy of scale, volume leverage... So many good…
6 December 2016/by AU Group
credit risk

Preventing credit risk: yes, but at what cost?

Risk management within a company helps to control the budget…
29 November 2016/by AU Group

Credit insurance: an investment where the profitability can be objectively measured (ROI)

It is much too common for companies to consider insurance as…
22 November 2016/by AU Group

Diversify your financing sources with factoring!

One of the paradoxes in these times of economic tension is the…
15 November 2016/by AU Group
G-Grade N6AUGGRADEQ42016

New trends in country risks: AU G-GRADE Q4 2016

9 countries have seen their country risk evolve significantly…
8 November 2016/by AU Group

New trends in country risks: AU G-GRADE 3Q 2016

This new country risk assessment covers the period from the 1st…
8 September 2016/by AU Group
Cyber attack methods and business impact Cover

Cyber attack methods and business impact

When Jimi Hendrix sang Elmore James' Bleeding Heart, little did…
20 July 2016/by AU Group
Too big to fail Don't live in fear of your main customer going out to business, think single buyer

Too big to fail ? Don’t live in fear of your main customer going out to business, think single buyer

Too big to fail ? Don't live in fear of your main customer going…
9 June 2016/by AU Group

New trends in country risks: AU G-GRADE 2Q 2016

Risk Managers cannot avoid taking into consideration the current…
11 May 2016/by AU Group

Greece at a crossroad

The political uncertainty, capital controls, the impact of the…
8 March 2016/by AU Group

New trends in country risks – Focus Greece

It might be a surprise for some people to see the G-Grade of…
2 February 2016/by AU Group
political risks

Be proactive in assessing your political risks !

The worldwide credit crunch in 2008-2009; the drastic and swift…
12 January 2016/by AU Group

Where is Waldo? … On export markets … Yes, but…

Who has not ever played "Where is Waldo?» You know, this game…
17 December 2015/by AU Group

Credit Insurance – An Evolving Product

Many businesses buy different types of insurance to protect themselves…
4 December 2015/by AU Group

Knowing your business partners is essential for smooth growth

Sales development involves finding new business partners further…
26 November 2015/by AU Group

Check-list: The key points of customer identification

Customer identification guidelines were established by the European…
10 November 2015/by AU Group
défaillances entreprises

Payment delays and corporate insolvencies: a “cause and effect” relationship

France - Payment delays and corporate insolvencies: a “cause…
5 November 2015/by AU Group

G Grade 3rd quarter : Discover new trends in country risks

A quarter might seem to be a short period of time, but it’s…
13 October 2015/by AU Group

Crises and opportunities

It is generally accepted that receivables represent approximately…
23 July 2015/by AU Group
US Bankruptcy Law

US Bankruptcy Law and the Rise of Preference Claims

It has often been said that risk taking and entrepreneurial spirit…
30 June 2015/by AU Group
Grading for Country Risk AU-G-GRADE-China

Innovative Grading for Country Risk

The Dashboard of Grading for Country Risk AU Group has just…
29 June 2015/by AU Group

A Study of the Credit Insurance Market

With minimal growth being experienced in Western Europe, the…
25 June 2015/by AU Group
Austrian Insolvencies down

Austrian Insolvencies down by 12.6% in Q1 2015

The total number of insolvencies decreased from 1,452 in Q1 2014…
16 April 2015/by AU Group

Businesses in trouble: end of short-term financing?

Few companies enjoy a steady flow of business with customer orders…
9 April 2015/by AU Group
German credit insurance market

German credit insurance market

In 2014 the economic recovery stabiled at a good level, based…
19 March 2015/by AU Group

Dubai : a market facing a lack of transparency

The United Arab of Emirates (UAE) was created in 1971 on the…
22 January 2015/by AU Group

Overview of the credit risk and the credit insurance market in Russia

1- Can you give us an overview of the economic situation in Russia…
15 January 2015/by AU Group

The economic situation in the Czech Republic

The economy in the Czech Republic had been in a protracted recession…
8 January 2015/by AU Group

Competition of Currency depreciation

It was another surprise to see Japanese yen going down to another…
11 December 2014/by AU Group

Losses can be large, sudden and unexpected

Recently, OW Bunker, one of the world's largest bunker suppliers,…
26 November 2014/by AU Group

Solutions for Commercial and Financial Information

Although the first commercial information bureau opened in 1841…
16 October 2014/by AU Group

Sicherstellung von Liquidität in Österreich

Die Sicherstellung einer ausreichenden Liquidität ist laut einer…
9 October 2014/by AU Group

Overview of the credit risk and the credit insurance market in China

1. Hui Wang, Can you give us an overview of the economic situation…
25 September 2014/by AU Group

Trading Companies coping with Credit Risk Management

Until recently, trading companies had little need for credit…
18 September 2014/by AU Group

Giving an overview of the Italian economic situation today is quite a simple thing: we are in a deep crisis!

However, a few months ago a character has arrived on our political…
11 September 2014/by AU Group

Comments on US Bankruptcy Code “ Preference Claims”

Comments on US Bankruptcy Code “Preference Claims”: defenses…
4 September 2014/by AU Group

How to best to prepare for a risk negotiation meeting with an insurer

In a persistent uncertain environment, even if companies must…
31 July 2014/by AU Group

Eastern Europe: A challenging business environment!

In 2014, Eastern Europe is forecast to see a slight deterioration…
22 July 2014/by AU Group

The UK Economy – A Real Recovery or Flattering to Deceive?

Laurie Harton of Hanwell Atkinson Ltd takes a snapshot of the…
5 June 2014/by AU Group

Credit insurance – a possible alternative to Letters of Credit

A Letter of Credit is widely acknowledged as being the most reassuring…
22 May 2014/by AU Group

Overseas sales: Choosing the right payment method!

With growth prospects in Europe forecast to be disappointing,…
15 May 2014/by AU Group

Non-Recourse Invoice Discounting Facility v Recourse Invoice Discounting with a separate Credit Insurance Policy

In his latest blog, Mark Barton of our UK associate, Hanwell…
17 April 2014/by AU Group

SEPA: Single Euro Payments Area / New procedures for bank transfers and direct debits in 2014

As of 1 August 2014, SEPA credit transfers and SEPA direct debits…
20 March 2014/by AU Group

AU Group International conference 2014

AU Group held an International Conference in Paris on the 6th…
21 February 2014/by AU Group

Insuring against a transfer risk

A non-transfer risk, sometimes accompanied by a currency risk,…
6 February 2014/by AU Group

Dare to invest in Africa!

Only export or innovative businesses are optimistic in the current…
24 January 2014/by AU Group

News and issues from credit management IT tools

The Financial and Administrative Directors Congress held in July…
26 November 2013/by AU Group

Top-Up solutions: a guaranteed “boost” to be used wisely !

As its name suggests, Top-Up insurance is extra cover granted…
19 November 2013/by AU Group

Reverse Factoring

In a gloomy economic climate and an increasingly restrictive regulatory context (LME [French Law on the Modernisation of the Economy], Basel III, etc.), banks are increasingly wary when it comes to financing companies, at a time when cash flows are feeling the pinch. In these uncertain times, CFOs are searching more than ever for ways to improve performance.
15 September 2013/by AU Group

Manufacturing risk

The purpose of a credit insurance policy is to cover your credit…
14 September 2013/by AU Group

Overview of credit-insurance market in Canada

The Canadian market is shared by six private insurers and one Canadian Crown Corporation - Export Development Canada (EDC).
22 August 2013/by AU Group