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New trends in country risks: AU G-Grade Q4 2019

The G-Grade’s purpose is to review changes in country risk and the tool has monitored events and tracked the following changes in Q4 2019: Main upgrades – (+0.50) Ukraine: The election of the new president and his party’s majority in parliament provides reason to be optimistic about the future. The recently appointed government has shown […]

Switzerland: state of the credit insurance market

Switzerland is a good example of a country with an innovative and dynamic environment. The short payment terms combined with a very good economic situation makes Switzerland a special country for credit insurance. The main growth targets by the insurers are in bonding, fidelity and in international business. The risk portfolio of Swiss policyholders is […]

New trends in country risks: AU G-Grade Q3 2019

7 countries have seen their risk level varying in Q2, leading to important ratings adjustments by the credit insurers. Main upgrades – Kuwait and Kyrgyzstan see their situation improving and their G-Grade increases by +0.5pts. For Kuwait, despite the low oil price level, the huge FX reserves allow the country to sustain its economy through […]

New trends in country risks: AU G-Grade Q2 2019

For this second quarter of 2019, AU Group’s country risk measurement tool, the G-Grade, highlights 5 significant changes. As a reminder, only variations over 0.5pts of the G-Grade are considered as significant. Main upgrades – Jamaica (-0,75 pts): since mid-2013, when the IMF started to support economic reform changes, Jamaica continues to see the fruits […]

New trends in country risks: AU G-Grade Q1 2019

Christine Lagarde warned recently of a possible global economic storm and identified 4 possible threats: – Trade Wars (especially between US and China) – Brexit uncertainties – Financial rates tightening – Slowdown of the Chinese economy   Apart from these major risks, other recent changes in country risk should not be overlooked and in particular: […]

Decoding country risk

Credit insurers continuously adjust their country risk exposure depending on their assessment of the economic health of countries. In addition, they also cap their maximum credit exposure for sensitive countries, which is a common practice among banks. The main credit insurers have built up their own country grading matrix and others use international credit agencies […]

New trends in country risks: AU G-Grade Q4 2018

Who did not notice that the main worldwide stock exchanges have been shaken recently by political events: US protectionist measures against its economic partners: Europe, China, European Union, Mexico, Canada… creating uncertainties on global growth Brexit future affects financial projections; lack of agreement on the conditions of the UK’s exit from EU… maintaining the possibility […]

New trends in country risks: AU G-Grade Q3 2018

Are you back from your summer break and want to catch up on country risks? 7 significant changes occurred: 2 upgrades (Greece, Myanmar) and 5 downgrades (Turkey, Sri Lanka, Argentina, Iran, Nicaragua). Time has flown by since the end of Q2-2018 (30.06.18) when most of the large trade credit insurer reviewed their country risk grading, […]